This post was started and intended to be posted from pre-op on Friday. Unfortunately I type too slowly and the pre-op nurses move too fast. I finally got around to finishing it today!
May 6, 2011
Hi there!
I'm sitting in pre-op feeling suspiciously calm. As you can see, they've dressed me in a lovely outfit for the occasion. The IV is started and I'm waiting for the doctor to come in and go over everything one last time. Perfect opportunity to blog about this morning's appointment at the CF clinic at Renown.
My FEV¹ (overall lung function meausurement) is up from 95% three weeks ago to 98% today. That was awesome news! My doctor and I also talked about the latest and greatest CF parafernalia on the market. These include the Vest 105 with programable treatment variations (I still have the 104!) and the Trio nebulizer that nebulizes medicine at the speed of light... maybe not that fast but you get the point.
Overall a VERY good appointment! The great thing about the CF clinic at Renown is the team I get to see. There's Heidi the nutritionist, Shelly the Respiratory Therapist, Kathy the Physician's Assistant, Danielle the Social Worker, and Dr. Budhecha. Talk about multi-faceted care! Since I had to medically withdraw from my classes this semester, Danielle the Social Worker contacted all my scholarships and made sure that I wouldn't lose any of them because of the withdrawal. HUGE help since I was super concerned about losing my Millennium Scholarship.
Like I said, awesome appointment and a great way to start a very big day. Dr. Hulka and the anesthesiologist just dropped in. I'm feeling very comfortable about everything! Plus everyone (and I do mean everyone) keeps complimenting me on my hair. Very cool!
Here we go. Wish me luck! :)

May 6, 2011
Hi there!
I'm sitting in pre-op feeling suspiciously calm. As you can see, they've dressed me in a lovely outfit for the occasion. The IV is started and I'm waiting for the doctor to come in and go over everything one last time. Perfect opportunity to blog about this morning's appointment at the CF clinic at Renown.
My FEV¹ (overall lung function meausurement) is up from 95% three weeks ago to 98% today. That was awesome news! My doctor and I also talked about the latest and greatest CF parafernalia on the market. These include the Vest 105 with programable treatment variations (I still have the 104!) and the Trio nebulizer that nebulizes medicine at the speed of light... maybe not that fast but you get the point.
Overall a VERY good appointment! The great thing about the CF clinic at Renown is the team I get to see. There's Heidi the nutritionist, Shelly the Respiratory Therapist, Kathy the Physician's Assistant, Danielle the Social Worker, and Dr. Budhecha. Talk about multi-faceted care! Since I had to medically withdraw from my classes this semester, Danielle the Social Worker contacted all my scholarships and made sure that I wouldn't lose any of them because of the withdrawal. HUGE help since I was super concerned about losing my Millennium Scholarship.
Like I said, awesome appointment and a great way to start a very big day. Dr. Hulka and the anesthesiologist just dropped in. I'm feeling very comfortable about everything! Plus everyone (and I do mean everyone) keeps complimenting me on my hair. Very cool!
Here we go. Wish me luck! :)
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