One perk of two hour treatments twice a day is lots of "me time". Another far superior perk is plenty of time to shop online! You all know that I tend to blog and treatment but during the holidays I knock out almost all of my gift list while on my nebulizer and vest. Glamorous, huh?
This month just happens to be a Tobi month. Usually I would whine and whine and whine about this but I'm actually secretly rejoicing in the fact that my treatments are significantly longer this December. No one can bug you or demand your attention when you're busy saving your own life, leaving me two solid hours of power searching, shopping, and shipping. Who can argue with that? I'll still whine about Tobi a little. Can't let that antibiotic think I welcome it's nastiness. I do appreciate it's effectiveness, though.
Happy holiday shopping to all of my sweet family and friends!